Brevene til Bush og Annan
(16.3.03, 20:56) Dette er innholdet i brevene som ISFiT-deltagerne lørdag sendte til president George Bush og generalsekretær Kofi Annan i FN. "Mr. George W. Bush
President of the United States of America
We, the citizens of the world, the members of the International Student Festival in Trondheim, Norway, representatives of 110 countries and every inhabited continent on the planet declare that we, a strong group of the world leaders of the next decade and beyond, the residents of Trondheim, Norway, and ordinary people who love peace and freedom are united in our decision that we will not stand quietly while the United States of America declares an unnecessary and unwanted war on Iraq.
We are already shocked and horrified at the atrocities occurring in Palestine, Kashmir, Nigeria, Chechnya, Zimbabwe and other places, and we refuse to consent to the escalation of destruction and violence in the world resulting from an unprovoked attack on Iraq.
Our statement is not a support or condemnation of any country or government. We are just people who would like our children to grow up in a world where they do not fear for their lives on their way to school. We are all members of the human race, and as such we should all do our part to protect our innocent brothers and sisters in Iraq, and every other country of the world.
This letter comes to you from the International Student Festival in Trondheim, Norway, which is an international organization that is designed to further communication and understanding between the people of the world. The theme this year is ”Challenging Attitudes”. We would like to issue a challenge on the attitudes of indifference, ignorance, aggression, and hatred by demanding a correction of the erroneous decision to use violence to solve a violent situation.
We are not against the U.S. There are several Americans here who love their country, and want peace for every person, regardless of their nationality. There is, however, a growing sentiment of anti-Americanism in the world right now, and a war on Iraq would only serve to increase that sentiment to potentially dangerous levels. By pushing for an unwanted war with Iraq, which violates the principle that the government exists with the consent of the governed – a foundation of the constitution of your country, you would be the worst example of anti-Americanism today.
We ask that you prove to your country and to the world that you can be the true leader for whom the American people voted, by doing the right thing, and choosing peace and communication over death and destruction. You will affect our lives".
"The United Nations
Care of: Mr. Kofi Annan, Secretary General
We, the citizens of the world, the members of the International Student Festival in Trondheim, Norway, representatives of 110 countries and every inhabited continent on the planet declare that we, a strong group of the world leaders of the next decade and beyond, the residents of Trondheim, Norway, and ordinary people who love peace and freedom are united in our decision that we will not stand quietly while the United States of America declares an unnecessary and unwanted war on Iraq.
We are already shocked and horrified at the atrocities occurring in Palestine, Kashmir, Nigeria, Chechnya, Zimbabwe and other places, and we refuse to consent to the escalation of destruction and violence in the world resulting from an unprovoked attack on Iraq.
Our statement is not a support or condemnation of any country or government. We are just people who would like our children to grow up in a world where they do not fear for their lives on their way to school. We are all members of the human race, and as such we should all do our part to protect our innocent brothers and sisters in Iraq, and every other country of the world. We are not against the U.S. There are several Americans here who love their country, and want peace for every person, regardless of their nationality.
We therefore ask that you refuse to allow a war on Iraq, and instead lead the United Nations in a well-deserved peaceful resolution to the conflicts. You will affect our lives.
Sincerely and Respectfully,
Members of the International Student Festival in Trondheim
Residents of Norway
The citizens of the world"
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